J. Ron Artest was Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award 2010-11 rise today in recognition of his efforts to raise awareness and funds for mental health problems.
This award will be given by a panel of 150 authors from the National Basketball incredible development of the public image of Artest really began when he joined the Lakers.
A few years ago, when Ron Artest was field activities thought comes to splash pictures of beer and flying fists in the stands at the Palace of Auburn Hills mind.
Even years after The Malice at the Palace and the suspension of Artest this year I was a player known as irregular, unreliable, focusing on the promotion of his fledgling label as the search of an NBA championship.
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Since joining the Lakers, everything has changed. As a player, Artest is now known to sacrifice money and statistics to try to integrate into a team as a supporting actor.
As a person who is now for his animated lectures, unfiltered news conference after the defeat of the Lakers in the NBA Finals last year in which he thanked his psychiatrist and show a genuine enthusiasm that is seldom known among professional athletes today.
Today it seems the transformation is complete, and that's not surprising to know that Ron Artest has received an award for his good deeds recovered from the area.
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I'm not saying it is up there with the NBA championship, but it certainly is the defensive player of the year I have, said Artest, who won the honor for the 2003 season - 04 It is important because there are children here in America, that it goes well. I have these children the opportunity to be successful when you are on drugs, abused or have a lack of confidence can be seen, bullying, cyber-bullying or have family problems. I try to help and educate.