Blocking the NFL begins, as something you can go back three hours south-west, when it look like something. This is a low-budget B-movie with a frame-by-numbers painting. The monolithic company has cracks in his armor for the first time in memory. A rival league gets a mole in the inner circle of giant and program the brain in the world to destroy the monster inside. Those who survive the reprogramming sent and taken hostage, chained to poles made of concrete above the Oakland Coliseum. And every 15 minutes, just for fun, the director cuts to a picture of Bud Selig, sitting in a panel, randomly flipping levers and joyless laugh. The last bet of the NFL, can only be explained by bad fiction. The league is under threat - oh, excuse me, is the thought that the word of the day, judging by the title - the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) drug tests carried out to improve performance when courts League should work without a collective agreement negotiations to decide.
Neither side will know that was not even under discussion or consideration or to be important. If you lose what you do in the NFL, the speed or should do or how preferred a defensive back would debilitating knee injury to play next week bring on the WADA test for drugs.
And if you really want the league to self-destruction, to bring the WADA and two regular season games to add. So in 20 years people can documentary about the disappearance of the NFL to make billions as expected around the world to the ads, while the Nighthawks Omaha Sacramento Mountain Lions feel play in the championship game UFL.
The only reason this little thought of self-destruction is still on the table, because the courts could end the blockade and the NFL license to give their own rules in failing to make a collective agreement. If this happens, the Union would join decertified powerless to stop it, even if individual players have a legal dispute over the rebound could be in store for them.
For most, could the NFL as a league without scruples function. Roger Goodell might decide that the hulls made of Styrofoam and the only way for the players is a lawyer. You could say it is an overreaction to something as ridiculous the idea of ssimilating the AMA and blood tests - HGH, all? - To run the program against drugs. Perhaps, but not so far. A two-year ban for a positive sample A and B? This is the way to the WADA. Do you think cycling is a disaster? Multiply the drama of the cycling carnival in about a million and have a pretty good idea of he AMA and the marriage of the NFL.
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Oh, but we hear the refrain: If you nothing to hide, why do you care you have? Gene Upshaw does not have much disdain for the fight against blood testing for the developing countries as its members would like balls are used, but he was right with the concept if it is clumsy with words. Once the NFL had blood samples from each player to not stop with HGH and steroids and other countries? What diseases and medical history could affect, and other things, the pension and health insurance and disability benefits? We are talking about an industry in conversation with a very high risk here, and the players have to keep all the precautions that they take - especially if the other party swing shown their willingness to its monopoly by state-sponsored impunity hammer.
The NFL loses the PR battle. Even fans who reflective side to the management of the allegedly overpaid and ungrateful players are smart enough to see this block, as it is: theft of money from the owners, who have much, but they want more. So what better way to curry favor with the public to fix the old war horse riding and developing countries under the pretext of health of the players and the sport fair for everyone?
They can not understand a central point: Most NFL fans seem to reach slope angle when it comes to doping have. They do not know the extent of the problem, but you can guess a little, and you are with the idea that many of these guys probably something more to play a game so brutal to one week after week large fine.
There are few great anger for baseball, where every gardener travel CNG a plaintive cry of her childhood memories produced by freshly cut grass and land reserved for a new glove and ball with my dad after work. Perhaps because to imagine that most people can not play in the NFL, everyone is a little more lenient when it comes to substances that bring children have in their bodies to a nation with entertainment on Sunday.
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It's safe to say that rational people would the NFL do otherwise, if the Court lifted the blockade and allowed the league to develop its own process to take. They assumed that the NFL is under the terms of the earlier agreement, the work, as things usually do when employers do not want to completely destroy the morale of the employees and the work further resolved.
And if, provided that there is still people in the business logic in the headquarters of the NFL, the only conclusion about this: The threat of WADA is just that - a threat. Is this a threat to the players to the negotiating table to get to a threat for the league let them know that you understand their condition can allow more harm to impose unilateral regulation.
The alternative is to accept ridiculous. The idea that the NFL is that there is a solution for a problem? It is too absurd for even the worst movie of B.